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Bionoetics: Life, Mind, and a Sustainable Future

Bionoetics as a word is composed of Greek roots for life and mind. It is clear that the subject will not be exhausted, nor will its definition be complete, while there are biological beings that think. Its origins lie in discussion of the attempt to consider knowledge as a species of evolutionary adaptation that culminated in the work of Jean Piaget. Conrad Waddington, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Walter Freeman added to this wealth of observation from their different perspectives in biology, philosophy, and neuroscience. A computational implementation was first achieved by William Grey Walter in the 1950s, and culminated in the work by Rodney, with the Roomba an exemplification.


However, and despite the odious technological triumphalism of 21st century AI, it must be said that the symbolic aspect of mentation was not handled properly by these greats. Noesis, which is implicit in the name of a new discipline, has connotations of one-shot learning and contact with a platonic form. With this in mind, we wish to suggest a non-exhaustive list of topics for this journal:

  • The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the physical sciences

  • Cognitive biology and biological cognition

  • Foundations of evolutionary theory culminating in innovations like evo-devo, a/k/a evolutionary developmental biology


  • Quantum mechanics and post-quantum mechanics, with the privileging of the act of observation

  • The fact that the third Millennium continues to turn ideas like the anthropic principle, giving us a more privileged role in the universe than Jehovah and creation ever did

  • Financialization of the economy and economization of life, leading to an Orwellian constriction of discourse

  • Relativism in ethics and aestheticsm, bringing into question the value of the Academy in society

  • Given that consciousness studies looks to be failing yet again, can it at least explore the paradox of the world being relative to consciousness yet transcending it?

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Papers are online now for Foundations of Mind I through VIII.


For Foundations of Mind 8, Premium Membership gets you access to the complete set of papers, our video archive, and other benefits. Our new proceedings volume featuring Chris Langan (whose interview with Spike Jonze can be seen here), Paul Werbos (who invented deep learning), and many others, is also included in the Premium package. These are peer-reviewed papers not available elsewhere.

Order Premium Membership to access all of the above resources, or Foundations of Mind 8 Selected Papers for a significant sampling.




Advisory Panel



Seán Ó Nualláin (FoM/UOI)


Cognition, Consciousness, and Computation

Robert Campbell

Lesley Combs (CIIS)

Terrence W. Deacon

Giulia Moiraghi (FoM)
Jonathan Schooler
Arnold Smith (SRI)
Len Talmy

Paul Werbos


Physics and Neuroscience
Wolfgang Baer

David Bernal (U Barcelona)

Giuseppe Vitiello (emeritus, Salerno)


Dr. Timothy Berlyn (GP)

Dr. Beverly Rublik (Frontier science)

Dr. Philip Shinnick (world record holder and

energy medicine practitioner)

Dr. Riccardo Zerbetto (psychiatry)


Sungchul Ji

Student Liaison

Gabriele Penazzi

(President, Union of Students of Italy)

Seán Ó Nualláin, Publisher and Editor in Chief
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